Sunday 6 April 2014

Thirteen, Fourteen and ... 3:15!

Apologies for the lack of news, but these last three days have been madness... Still sleeping far too little, and headed to the Brighton Marathon with a 5 hour "sleep" because I am not sure if watching all the hours in the clock classifies as sleeping...

The hunger games are now over. It has been a really stressing experience, where as if one doesn't have enough, then you need to pay special attention to what you have available for eating. But no moaning. As I said before millions have to live like that for the duration of their lives. In fact they have to live with that for everything.

Life is a struggle, and although the human being will make lemonade if they are given lemons and will find moments of true happiness across their lives, it is just not pretty to be worried about the about the basic needs of life, those that make the different between living and dying. That perpetuates poverty. That is the life of birds, for ever scared about whatever moves. Too busy keeping themselves alive to make any difference or enjoy fully the privilege of being alive as a human being.

Before I get to the update on the last event, let me show you the last supper of these hunger games:

That was Rice, Beans, Rice and a few flakes of cheese... I am so tired that I run out of names... no, hold on, let's call it "I don't want to see you in again in a long time"...
To recap, I've got half a bag of pasta left, 3/4 of the rice I bought this week, porridge for another 3 for days, some milk (still well to drink :) ) So that is around 2 pounds left, so let assume that tabasco, oil, salt, sugar, onions and cheese makes for the rest of the 14 pounds. As I said, yes, it is possible. But let's put it this way: I don't think I will repeat it again.

But you are more than welcome to take on the challenge yourself and spread awareness about how a millions of people live across the world. And the official event is only 5 days and no crazy runs in the middle :) I can tell you that 5 days is more than enough to get a glimpse of what this is all about.

Now, with todays challenge... The human being tends to forget and even idealize past challenges. That just to say that you will have forgotten how tought it was the last time. Well, I did forget. A marathon is tough, let alone after these two weeks. But regardless of that there will always be a good amount of pain on offer. I had a really painful last 10K. My legs shut down and I was on the verge of getting a couple of big cramps that would have made me crawl to the finish line, but in the end...

Hadn't I promised something?? :) But I can tell you it cost me blood and tears... I went from 7 a mile to 8 a mile in the last 10K, but fortunately I was spread the early gains across the painful last third.

And watching people in tears who had scarcely reached the half marathon help to not complain about nothing...

And that was the last few meters :)

And that is the end of these hunger games! I suppose you now had enough of me for a good while :) I also hope that I kept you entertained or at least made you read one or two of these blogs.

Thanks for being there, and thanks for being so awesome. We have all raised £1,308 to date, which is just unbelievable, hoping we can still give it a little final push :)

Think of those 14 pounds I have spent over these two weeks, and think what those £1,308 can do

All the best for all of you, and may the odds be ever in your favour! :)

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